Apr 25, 2013

Beginners' course

Springs beginners' course is "drop-in" this time.
You can come to any said training to try out once and with one payment train the basics until the end of May.

Mondays 18:30-20:00 HEMA
Wednesdays 18:30-19:45 Sports fencing

You'll need indoor shoes and long sweat pants. Price is 50/40€ (working/unemployed, retired, student) which covers membership for 2013 and training in both HEMA and sports fencing (no discount if You want to train in only one).


Apr 17, 2013

Payments for spring are due


The harsh realities of the world require us to collect the fees. No panic but sooner the better.
Check the prices here.


Vami 2021 Hej, Detta är en uppdatering gällande Vamis verksamhet 2021. Vi tränar under sommaren på Kaserntorget, Tisdag och Fredag kl. 18:00...