Kysymyksiä varten ota yhteyttä Sebastaniin. Hän osaa suomea.
For any urgent enquiries, contact Sebastian. He speaks English.
Ifall du har frågor, kontakta Sebastian. Han talar svenska.
Vice President
Assistant Class leader: HEMA (Italian Longsword, Daga)
John Grönholm
Assistant Class leader: HEMA (Longsword)
Hertta Herronen
HEMA (Italian Longsword)
Mikko Mäenpää
The salle is located in Palosaari area of Vaasa, Wolffintie 36 F, in Vaasa Shooters’ facilities. It is in the old Finlayson factory built of red brick with two huge chimneys. Check further down for a guide.
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The entrance is from the Wasa Sports Club parking. If you can see the ocean, you are on the wrong side of the building. The building you want to find is labeled “F2″. Go through the Wasa Sports Club parking lot, find the steel doors on the left side of the loading platform.
Take the stairs all the way up. Walk through the hallway, turn right and the salle will be on the left.
For any urgent enquiries, contact Sebastian. He speaks English.
Ifall du har frågor, kontakta Sebastian. Han talar svenska.
Vice President
Assistant Class leader: HEMA (Italian Longsword, Daga)
John Grönholm
Assistant Class leader: HEMA (Longsword)
Hertta Herronen
HEMA (Italian Longsword)
Mikko Mäenpää
The salle is located in Palosaari area of Vaasa, Wolffintie 36 F, in Vaasa Shooters’ facilities. It is in the old Finlayson factory built of red brick with two huge chimneys. Check further down for a guide.
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